Stories / CNY Beer Selling

CNY Beer Selling

When we’re in our Tiger t-shirts out in the supermarkets, we are often mistaken for the Tiger Beer promoters. So why not be a beer promoter for real?

I volunteered to help out at the annual CNY selling to promote our beers. My role was to assist customers with loading our beers into their trollies or cars, issuance of CNY premiums, etc. I also had to convince some of them as to why our beers are better than competitors’ – locally brewed, fresher!

At one of the sessions at FairPrice Toa Payoh, I bumped into another colleague at the outlet. When another product promoter walked past and saw the two of us in our Tiger t-shirts standing next to Tiger Beers, she broke out singing “两只老虎,两只老虎, 跑的快, 跑的快。。。”.

Looking forward to the next time promoting our beers with pride! #WinWithTiger

Submitted by Tan Sze Khim

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